Friday, 8 April 2016

Diet and exercise summary

I haven’t done a diet and exercise summary for four weeks now (has it really been that long?!) and thought it’s about time to think about how my 2016 plans are holding up.

I spent most of March away and at home. I really like cooking and, unlike baking, I can actually do it so I cooked for my mum a couple of times although I’m not sure how much she appreciated my vegetarian recipes ;) I went home prepared – I took my Deliciously Ella cookbook with me and managed to try a couple of recipes, I shared some pictures of my creations on Instagram. I just love how simple the recipes are! I feel like I preach about this book constantly but it deserves all the praise it gets. Pizza is my weakness so unavoidably I gave into the temptation a couple of times but, as the blog title indicates, it’s all about balance. Overall I think I managed to balance healthy:unhealthy pretty well considering I wasn’t in my usual routine. Right now I need to plan my meals well as I’m busy, I need healthy lunches and plenty of snacks to keep me going all day. Today me and my housemate went nut shopping. Sounds ridiculous I know, but we both find the difference in prices between different shops is incredible, the only supermarket with decently priced nuts is Lidl. The other good shop we found is Grape Tree. It’s a healthy food shop (I’m pretty sure you can find one in most cities but you can also shop online on their website) but as with everything, I try to check labels anyway to try and avoid added sugar. As well as their premium nut mix I bought raw cacoa powder and quinoa which seems to be the only thing I eat for lunch at the moment.

Onto exercise… This on the other hand did not go so well. I did a lot of yoga, I practised nearly everyday. I love how cosy my mum’s living room gets in the evening – I can light some candles, turn on the fireplace and a little lamp. I worked a lot on my headstands and general flexibility which I think has improved slightly. When it comes to more intense forms of exercise I failed miserably. I only went for a run twice which is absolutely ridiculous considering I’m supposed to be running 10k in two weeks’ time. One of those runs was 9k however the next one was barely 2.5k which may have put me off going running again. And now it’s been almost three weeks since my last run… not good.

So in summary – I need to keep it up with the diet (maybe stop the Easter chocolate I’m still munching through, but the best way to stop is to eat it all so that there’s no temptation right?) and seriously up my exercise game. Goal for next week: at least 2 runs and 2 gym sessions plus yoga.

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