Saturday, 19 March 2016

10 tips for waking up and getting on with your day

Kate Faithfull-Williams’ article in Boots’ Health & Beauty magazine (March/April 2016 issue, yes another free magazine) inspired me to think about my own getting up habits and what gives me more energy in the mornings. Here is a list of tips that I think can help you to get up and get on with things – I try to stick to them myself but may not always succeed ;)

1. Get enough sleep in the first place. It’s an easy calculation – you know what time you need to be up so count back 8 hours from that plus another hour to allow yourself to settle in bed (read a book or listen to some music, anything that will make you switch off) and make sure that that’s when you go to bed. There are even apps that will remind you to go to bed based on the alarm you set (click here). Sometimes life does get in the way of those magic 8 hours but I think that if you prioritise your sleep over, say, checking facebook or watching TV you will thank yourself for it in the morning. Here’s the link to my previous blog post about sleep rules.

2. Wake up at the same time every day. I sometimes have issues with this however I have stuck to getting up before 8am for the last couple of weeks. It feels like I have a routine and means that I’m tired in the evening so can go to bed early (which is what I love!). An early start also makes me more productive. I’d say between 8am and 1pm is my most productive time of day, especially if I have to study.

3. Set your alarm clock for when you actually want to get up and DON’T SNOOZE IT! Those extra 15 minutes that you think you absolutely need will only make you feel more tired.

4. Open your curtains straight away. I often struggle with getting up when it’s still dark outside. Having one of these sunrise-imitatingalarm clocks would make it so much easier!

5. End your shower with a cold blast. I don’t shower in the mornings, I much prefer having a relaxing bath in the evening as I always associated it with the 
end of the day, it’s a part of my bedtime routine plus I can’t deal with washing my hair in the morning. So I was cruel and asked my boyfriend to test this one. According to Callum it work very well in terms of waking you up but makes you want to get out VERY quickly.

6. Get dressed and make your bed as soon as you get up. I LOVE pyjama days but I’d be lying if I said they’re productive. Getting dressed definitely makes me feel like it’s time to get things done and once you put the effort in to actually making your bed you won’t want to ruin it by jumping back in.

7. Rehydrate. My mum swears by a glass of water with honey and the juice of half a lemon half an hour before breakfast. She starts prepping it the night before by adding the honey to boiled water and then just adds the lemon juice in the morning.

8. Slow releasing carbs for breakfast. By now most of us know that a sugary breakfast will give you a boost of energy but you’ll feel tired again pretty quickly. Something like wholegrain oats with fruit and seeds is perfect to keep you going for the whole morning. And if you feel you need a snack before lunch opt for something similar, e.g. oatcakes. Oh, and don’t even think about skipping breakfast!

9. Have an action plan for every day. I can’t get anything done without a ‘to do’ list which is why I tend to write one in my diary most mornings. It may involve tasks as simple as ‘Walk the dog’ or ‘Clean the bathroom’ but it makes me focus on the day ahead and allows me to plan and prioritise. Plus it feels so good to tick things of ‘to do’ lists!

10. Fresh air. A walk with your dog will not only make him or her very happy, but will also help you to wake up. A brisk morning walk to school/work/university may seem like torture at the time but once you get there you will definitely feel more awake and energetic than your friends who opted for the bus.

Not everyone is a morning person though, and sometimes I'm quite jealous of the people who actually can have a lie in. When I have one, I can write off the whole day as nothing will get done and I'll just want to stay in my Pjs all day :)

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